Personalized Sound Meditation

Receive a unique and

Composed & Produced by Meg Lyding

a downloadable digital recording
(approx. 20-25 minutes in duration)

with personal listening suggestions,
guided meditations, or affirmations
and one to one support



Go deeper into the transformative experience of sound meditation with a composition made specifically for you; a song uniquely tuned in to help you align with your greater well-being.

An inspired combination of intuitive musical composition, frequency medicine, and therapeutic sound, your recording is designed to offer you a unique sonic attunement that will help you balance your nervous system, raise your frequency, align with your greater well-being, and gain a deeper sense of connection and personal insight.

Beginning with a questionnaire, we will discuss the support you are looking for and assess the frequencies, sounds, instruments, and vibratory qualities best suited for your needs.  Meg will then create and record a sound meditation for you with the balancing tones and harmonics of meditative acoustic instruments, intuitive voice, and intentional sound and frequency.



Question & Answer

How do I get started? To start the process, you will be sent a questionnaire intended to clarify the support you’d like to receive from this work. Fill out the questions with the first answer that comes to mind. We will go over your answers in greater depth if necessary to address your specific needs and requests, assessing the frequencies, sounds, and vibratory qualities best suited for your needs. Meg will then compose and record your sound meditation.

How long after my consultation will I receive my sound meditation? Please allow 2 to 3 weeks between sending in your completed questionnaire and receiving your recording.

How long will my meditation be? Each meditation will be approximately 20-25 minutes in duration. The length will vary depending on the composition. Your recording can easily be looped to support longer, deeper listening and meditation.

How do I access my recording? Your sound meditation will be emailed to you as a downloadable digital file. Various file formats will be offered including .mp3 .wav and .aiff that can then be played on any digital sound system. Please download your file as soon as you receive your link and store it safely on your phone, computer or other digital device.

How does this work? How will a personalized sound recording help me? Learn more about the balancing, uplifting, and transformative power of sound HERE

image: unsplash

image: unsplash

What is the best way to listen to the recording? The use of over-ear headphones is recommended for a more immersive meditative listening experience. If playing the recording out loud, it is recommended you play it through an external speaker for best sound quality. Do not use the speakers built into your phone or computer or the sound quality will be diminished and distort.

How do I get the most out of my sound meditation? Set aside a time to listen and be present with your sound meditation. The more you spend time with the meditation on a regular basis, the more helpful. Best listening times and approaches will be determined by your specific needs. Individual listening recommendations will be included with your recording along with any suggestions for accompanying practices such as affirmations, breathing, or visualization.

Questions? Want to follow-up? Having spent time with your recording, you are welcome to contact me with any questions. I am here to support you in your sound journey. Moving forward, you are welcome to request more personalized sound meditations to progress and deepen your experience.

What will my recording sound like? Each sound meditation is unique and will be tailored to the individual based on our conversation and over a decade of experience using sound for meditation and wellness.



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Please consult a doctor for any serious medical issue or concerns. Vibrational medicine is a safe and complimentary practice to use with other treatments and modalities.